The world's first iliacus release tool AVAILABLE NOW!

Heal with ease

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• Limited edition signed book
• BOGO Hip Hooks
• Exercise cards
• Muscle release balls
• One-on-one sessions with me
and more
How it helps
• Reach people I wouldn't be able to without you
• Free more hips in this world for a pain-free life
•Helps me share my life's work to the world!

Find out if you have a tight hip

What if the underlying cause of your pain is a tight and unrecognized muscle in your hip that is just waiting for attention?
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The first focus is to promote the book.
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Connect me with a thought leader in the this space.
This could be a celebrity endorsement or review, yoga studio, a health care practitioner, blogger, podcaster, influencer, organizer of Ted Talks, gym owner, media outlet, retailer, conference organizer etc...

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Christine Koth Holistic physical Therapist with client
Dear _____,

My dear colleague (friend, etc.) Christine is launching her book Tight Hip, Twisted Core - The Key to Unresolved Pain and has invented the Hip Hook, the world’s first tool to target the iliacus muscle. This muscle can impact the body not only at the hip, but it changes the alignment of everything from head to toe. (share personal story as applicable)

Her work is completely innovative.  There is nothing else out there like this. I thought you might be interested in connecting with her.  I’ve cc: her on this email. 

Maybe you want to (fill in the blank of how you think they may want to be involved, i.e. “host her on your podcast” or “sell her products at your gym”)? Here’s an endorsement from a hip expert in the field:

“In her new book Tight Hip Twisted Core, Christine uses compelling storytelling and her deep experience in physical therapy to shed light on the meaning of a “tight hip.” She addresses an important and often dreaded twosome, what I often call the “snarky psoas and irritated iliacus.

As a veteran PT who specializes in hip and pelvic pain and safety for the hip in yoga, I am delighted to see Tight Hip, Twisted Core published. This much needed book can help you begin to understand some of the major players that affect hip health, and give you an understanding of what helps versus what harms the hip. Tight Hip, Twisted Core is an accessible, easy to understand text that can benefit anyone who has had hip pain or anyone whose hip is the cause of pain in other places.” 

Dr. Ginger Garner, DPT, ATC/L Founder, Professional Yoga Therapy Institute® Author of Medical Therapeutic Yoga

Hope all is well with you,
(sign name)
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#HipHook #TightHipFlexor #iliacus #HipPain #HipFlexors #TightHipTwistedCore #PhysicalTherapy #PhysicalTherapist #Psoas #PsoasRelease #Sitting #Yoga #HipFlexor #Crossfit #Pilates #Chiropractic #HipInstability #TriggerPoints #SittingOnYourButt #HipFlexorStretch
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Christine Koth Holistic physical Therapist
Tight Hip Twisted Core books
Tight hip twisted core hard cover book
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Copy the email template to save time
Dear _____,

My dear colleague (friend, etc.) Christine is launching her book Tight Hip, Twisted Core - The Key to Unresolved Pain and has invented the Hip Hook, the world’s first tool to target the iliacus muscle. This muscle can impact the body not only at the hip, but it changes the alignment of everything from head to toe. (share personal story as applicable)

Her work is completely innovative.  There is nothing else out there like this. I thought you might be interested in what she is offering because (fill in the blank).  

Learn about her book at and the Hip Hook at’s one of the many endorsements of the book:

“I am astounded by Christine’s ability to clearly articulate this mysterious concept in a way that anyone can understand it. This is a huge discovery in how the hip area works, and how one tight muscle affects the rest of the body. This book will significantly impact the way take care of my body and how other health care professionals will treat the hip from now on.” 

Zach Renner, Crossfit Trainer
Former College Athlete
Founder of Awakened Athlete

I hope this helps you,
(sign name)
Get the first chapter of my new book
Tight Hip Twisted Core: The Key to Unresolved Pain
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