Becoming the iliacus queen

Years ago, I personally injured my hip labrum in yoga and was forced to rehabilitate myself after hip labrum surgery. With this I gained first-hand experience on the causes and process of this area.
After working as a Physical Therapist for decades, a pattern started to emerge. Tightness in the iliacus caused by too much sitting, overuse in athletics, or being too flexible was causing problems all over the body.
After mastering how to release the iliacus with my own hands for my clients, I went on a mission to develop a self-release tool so people everywhere could empower themselves and get rid of pain on their own.
I tested dozens of existing tools but none of them could provide the right amount of pressure to the right spot. Over the last few years, I have painstakingly tested many variations and have finally perfected the Hip Hook. It is the only tool that perfectly targets the iliacus muscle and releases tension the way only a professionally trained PT can.
Christine Koth, Licensed Physical Therapist
Creator of The Hip Hook
aka: The iliacus Queen
After working as a Physical Therapist for decades, a pattern started to emerge. Tightness in the iliacus caused by too much sitting, overuse in athletics, or being too flexible was causing problems all over the body.
After mastering how to release the iliacus with my own hands for my clients, I went on a mission to develop a self-release tool so people everywhere could empower themselves and get rid of pain on their own.
I tested dozens of existing tools but none of them could provide the right amount of pressure to the right spot. Over the last few years, I have painstakingly tested many variations and have finally perfected the Hip Hook. It is the only tool that perfectly targets the iliacus muscle and releases tension the way only a professionally trained PT can.
Christine Koth, Licensed Physical Therapist
Creator of The Hip Hook
aka: The iliacus Queen
The hip flexor affects the entire body
When the hip flexor is tight (specifically when the iliacus portion is tight, it pulls on the lower back and pelvis in a way that strains the discs, facet joints in the spine, and sacroiliac joints. This also changes the orientation of the hip socket so that the femur (leg bone) rotates inward causing more grinding on the hip joint itself (leading to arthritis), making your knee cap rub the wrong way (leading to knee pain) and causing the foot to become flatter (leading to things like plantar fascitis and bunions). This is just the tip of the iceburg. As you can see, this muscle and its health is vital to the way your body moves.
There are many reasons for a tight iliacus muscle, the most common being sitting too much, over using it, and being too flexible

Free the hip
Within each session you will have the opportunity to
experience a variety of these techniques as applicable.
Learn more by reading the descriptions below.
experience a variety of these techniques as applicable.
Learn more by reading the descriptions below.