The world's first iliacus release tool AVAILABLE NOW!

Heal with ease

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Find out if you have a tight hip

What if the underlying cause of your pain is a tight and unrecognized muscle in your hip that is just waiting for attention?
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An Important message from Christine

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Not just another affiliate marketing program
Anyone can promote a product. It takes a special person to get behind a bigger vision. This is why we have chosen you.

The Hip Hook is just one tool that Aletha offers. Aletha's mission is to discover the simple truths to health so that more people can live with ease. Health shouldn't be hard. Simple solutions evolve from uncovering the real "why," addressing the cause and not the symptoms. Aletha distills the complexities of health and wellness to its simplest form into tools that get at the core of the "why."

We offer freedom from pain, from immobility, and even fear. We know that armed with the knowledge found in Tight Hip Twisted Core along with the Hip Hook and Hip Flexor Release Ball, transformation is at our finger tips. One simple truth can set you free.

Imagine helping the runner whose knee pain keeps them from the one thing they love doing or the weekend warrior who has run the gauntlet of braces, creams, and ibuprofen to no avail. By offering the key to unlock the hip and allow for healing to take place, you will become no less than a hero to those who trust your recommendations.

I look forward to having you on the team,
Christine Koth
Our Ambassador Program offers top of industry rewards
• Earn 10% commission on all sales you generate
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